OLLIE Miss — George Henderson — Stokes ($2.50). All-Negro novel, well and simply told.
THE SCARLET BEAST—Francis Gerard— Longmans, Green ($2.50). Allegedly historical romance about the Punic Wars; a silly book.
SEASON TICKET—Margaret lies—Harper ($2). Competent but uninspiring first novel about English season-ticket-holders (U. S.: commuters).
WILD PASTURES—Rex Beach—Farrar & Rinehart ($2). Modestly described by its publishers as "a novel of romance and swift adventure," by an old hand.
ERNESTINE TAKES OVER — Walter Brooks—Morrow ($2). Story in the late Thorne Smith tradition but well above the average.
So BRIEF THE YEARS—Natalie Sokoloff —Dodd, Mead ($2.50). Adventures of a girl who was in wide circulation among the Bolsheviks.
HIGHLAND NIGHT—Neil M'. Gunn— Harcourt, Brace ($2.50). Account of the eviction of the Highlanders from their glens in the early 19th Century.
CALL IT SLEEP—Henry Roth—Ballon ($2.50). A first novel, the story of three years in the life of a sensitive Jewish slum-child, told with painstaking and pain-giving fidelity to slum dialect, slum neuroses. Non-Fiction
THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE—Marvin Lowenthal—Houghton Mifflin ($3.50). An autobiography of the famed French essayist pieced together from his own essays, letters, etc.
THINGS TO LIVE FOR—Francis Stuart— Macmillan ($2.50). Disconnected chapters from the life of the mystical young Irish author of Pigeon Irish, The Coloured Dome.
THE FOOL OF LOVE—Hesketh Pearson— Harper ($3.50). Sympathetic, lively biography of the late great Essayist William Hazlitt.
PARTNERS IN PLUNDER—J. B. Matthews & R. E. Shallcross—Covici, Friede ($2.50). Another "Consumers' Research" book, charging certain U. S. industries with racketeering methods, principles.
THE POPULAR PRACTICE OF FRAUD— T. Swann Harding—Longmans, Green ($2.50). Examination of fraud in U. S. food, drugs, cosmetics, real estate, etc.
LIVES OF THE ROMAN EMPRESSES— Jacques de Serviez—Wm. H. Wise & Co. ($2.90). Reprint of an 18th Century translation, introduction by Robert Graves.
THE AMAZING MADAME JUMEL—William Gary Duncan—Stokes ($3). The career of the Providence streetwalker who became Mrs. Aaron Burr, caused the duel between Burr and Alexander Hamilton.
UNROLLING THE MAP—Leonard Outhwaite—Reynal & Hitchcock ($3.75)- Brief history of exploration (2750 B.C.-1935 A.D.), graphically illustrated with 56 maps.
COLLECTED POEMS—C. Day Lewis— Random House ($2.50). Poems and an essay by another young English paladin, peer and pal of Poets W. H. Auden, Stephen Spender (see below).
VIENNA — Stephen Spender — Random House ($1.25). Poem on the Viennese Socialist uprising of January, 1934 by a much-touted English poet.