Letters: Jun. 14, 1926

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Much as I would like to see TIME produced by organized labor, I do not expect you to change your policy because of the criticism of one or of a thousand subscribers. . . . In view of the circumstances, however, I am asking you to cancel my subscription to TIME. Please submit a bill for the amount due you, and I will send a check by return mail.

LLOYD KIRKEBY San Francisco, Calif.

From Chicago Heights


I inclose an interesting clipping from the Chicago Heights Star, Chicago Hts., Ill.

MARJORIE A. RUFF Hammond, Ind.

To Subscriber Ruff, $3. See MEDICINE for item based on this clipping. — ED.



For the second time within a few months you refer to the esteemed wife of Ignace Jan Paderewski as Mme. Paderewski" (TIME, May 24, MUSIC). Permit me to suggest that "Mme. Paderewska" is the correct form— a title, by the way, which Dame Nellie Melba declared, in her autobiography, Melodies and Memories (TIME, April 26, BOOKS) would have been acceptable to herself, had it ever been offered.

H. MCK. ROTHERMEL Reading, Pa.

For such an learned correction, TIME is deeply grateful. — ED.

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