GERMANY: Scared to Death

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"We are going to extirpate Marxism!" shouted Captain Göring amid applause from the conservative Pomeranian Landbund. "I am going to keep my fist on the neck of these creatures until they are finished. We are not only going to extirpate the pest but we are going to tear the word Marxism out of every book. In 50 years nobody in Germany is going to know what the word means."

Referring to past (not to present or possible future Nazi violence) Captain Göring said:

"This Revolution differs from the [German] revolt of 1918 [which established the Republic] in that this one was conducted with discipline. I repudiate the charge brought against me that in my Essen speech I gave a signal for relaxing discipline, much less for plundering and the like. But this I emphasize, that I am not so cowardly as to recoil from that which Nazis have done in the exuberance of their feelings.

"No, I acknowledge their acts as my acts! If they have made mistakes, then it is their leaders, then it is I who am responsible. We have cleaned out Germany!"

Popular Enlightenment. Called the youngest German ever to hold major Cabinet rank, 35-year-old Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels (Ph. D., Heidelberg) became last week Minister of Propaganda and Popular Enlightenment, a Ministry which he promptly organized in five departments of nation-wide dictatorial power: 1) Propaganda; 2) Radio; 3) Press; 4) Cinema; 5) Theatre.

"I demonstrated to President von Hindenburg," boasted young Dr. Goebbels. "how necessary it was to create such a department. . . . We must create a Press joyously conscious of its responsibility to the Fatherland! . . . We must catch the soul vibrations of the German people. . . . Ach, Meine Herren, think of the Press as a great keyboard on which the Government can play."

Asked if his brand of soul vibrations might not prove in the end tedious. Dr. Goebbels slapped his thigh. "You know me!" he cried. "I am a sworn enemy of every sort of boredom! . . . Best of all, our propaganda is not going to cost the German people anything. Instead my Ministry cannot fail to show a profit— the radio advertising, you know!''

Dr. Goebbels, having at his disposal German radio stations of sufficient power to encircle the entire world with Hitler propaganda, said that he would begin by putting on the air a daily short-wave broadcast in English & German aimed at listeners throughout the U. S. and Canada. At first the programs will stress German music and such—proceeding gradually to Enlightenment and Propaganda when a sufficiently large audience has been built up.

As usual, super-power German stations will continue their efforts to "jam" the Soviet super-power stations which regularly attempt to broadcast Marxian & Leninist ideas throughout Europe. For the special purpose of "jamming" Moscow's broadcasts, the Polish Government built some years ago what Poles call "the most powerful radio station in the world," made a few experimental broadcasts to the U. S. Last week Dr. Goebbels when asked about the ethics of his plan to radioize the U. S. cried: "Why not? The Poles have done it!"

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