Talkin' 'Bout Their Generations

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Senator Robert Kennedy, on hippies, in TIME, July 7, 1967


BORN 1961--80


Popularized by Douglas Coupland's novel Generation X, published in 1991

Many were latchkey kids of working moms and divorced parents; they grew into young adults marked by a sense of ennui. Studies have shown that members of this generation may have reversed the historical trend of earning more in real dollars than their parents.

Jennifer Lopez (b. 1969)

Jon Stewart (b. 1962)

'Our generation has had no great war, no great depression. Our war is spiritual. Our depression is our lives.'

From Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk, published in 1996


BORN 1980--2000


Credited to Strauss and Howe

Also known as Generation Y, they came of age in the shadow of 9/11 and amid the rise of new media. First-wave millennials are now in their early careers amid a slow global economic recovery, with high unemployment and concerns about future national debt.

Mark Zuckerberg (b. 1984)

Lady Gaga (b. 1986)

'God didn't give me these talents to just sit around being a model or being famous. I want to lead a huge charity organization. I want to lead a country for all I know.'

Alexis Neiers, member of "the Bling Ring"

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