Battlefield SOPA

Hollywood and Silicon Valley are duking it out over Internet regulation

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Raymond Biesinger for TIME

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CON: The bills' supporters exaggerate their economic losses, which aren't great enough to justify government meddling in Google's search results. And imposing new regulations on the Internet is sure to create new costs. That's why so many of the country's top dotcom companies, from Google to Facebook to Twitter, are protesting this move.


PRO: Congress has already backed down from the most controversial provisions, including one that would block access to pirate sites by tinkering with the Domain Name System, which many dotcom leaders consider sacrosanct. We're open to a compromise solution and expect that our industries' many friends in Congress will pass something this winter.

CON: We're not new kids in town anymore and have our own big-shot Washington lobbyists. Plus we've got huge online audiences. Send Congress back to the drawing board--and this time, give us a voice in drafting the law. Or else we'll stage more online protests and kill the idea entirely.

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