10 Questions for Ewan McGregor

The actor stars in the new film The Men Who Stare at Goats. Ewan McGregor will now take your questions

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Jeff Vespa / Contour / Getty

Ewan McGregor

The men who stare at goats are part of a U.S. military unit that tries to use psychic powers. As Obi-Wan Kenobi, did you find the Jedi references funny?

Michelle Pettit, TUCSON, ARIZ.

I did. It wasn't something that we created for the film--that's what they really called themselves. I have scenes with George Clooney where he says, "I'm a Jedi." And I look at him, and I go, "What's a Jedi?" The director claims it never crossed his mind. Which is a little convenient, I think.

What was it like to be part of the Star Wars franchise?

Nishant Grover, RADFORD, VA.

It was great. I was a huge fan of the original films as a kid. My uncle Denis Lawson plays Wedge in the first three movies. It was extraordinary getting a chance to be the young Alec Guinness, and I'll always be very happy and proud that I did that.

Was being an actor your childhood dream?

Leah Feril Bargamento


Yes. Since I can remember. My uncle was very much my hero, and I wanted to be like him before I was really old enough to know what acting was.

You've taken part in two televised motorcycle trips. What drew you to motorcycles?


I've ridden bikes since I was 18 or 19. It's my main passion. I'd read a book by Ted Simon called Jupiter's Travels about his round-the-world trip in the 1970s, and I was so moved by his experience I set about organizing a trip with my friend Charley Boorman. We made a series called Long Way Round, one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life.

As a Scottish actor, how different is it for you to work on a non-British production?

Shantie Tedjai-Carroll


Mostly I work in accents--American or northern English or French--and they're all something I have to master. Usually I have a dialect coach, and I didn't on this film. With a dialect coach, you know that one person is in charge of your accent. Without one, it means the director's giving you dialect notes and the grip gives you dialect notes and the other actors are going, "Well, that sounded a bit ..." You feel terribly at sea.

Will there ever be a Trainspotting 2?

Julia Ballard


I don't think so. Irvine Welsh wrote a sequel to the novel, called Porno, but I've never seen a script. Personally, I think Trainspotting was an amazing film, and I'll always be proud of it. And I wouldn't want to make a poor sequel that kind of tarnishes the original film in a way.

What movie genre that you have done do you like most?

Alex Robinson


I don't have one really. I've been lucky enough to make lots of different kinds of movies. My favorite genre is one I haven't done yet, I suppose.

What do you love most about acting?

Shawna Bracken


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