Monday, Jan. 09, 2012

Every Male in American Politics, Ever

You've seen it before: the crisp white button-down. Neatly tailored dark suit. Red or blue tie in a Double Windsor knot. Flag lapel pin. This is the uniform of every male politician in the Western world, a modern marvel of sartorial science that beams reassurances of competence and conformity into the brainpan of every person in the room. Ever seen a G-20 group photo? It's two women, the King of Saudi Arabia and 17 guys wearing this outfit. Too much deviation from the norm — think Rick Santorum's sweater vests, Barack Obama's mom jeans and Bill Clinton's short shorts — and an inspirational leader risks becoming an object of ridicule. Don't do it, gentlemen. You know who wears fancy duds? Divas and dictators.