Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011

Common vs. Fox News

When Michelle Obama opted to host a poetry night at the White House, who could take issue with that? Well, Fox News could, it turned out. One of the honorees at the White House was Common, the Chicago rapper. On one hand, Common is a charitable member of the music world who has even pledged to end the use of anti-gay references in his music. On the other, he's cut some tracks with potentially offensive lyrics. "Is this appropriate? Talks about killing cops. And I can bring up a whole slew of other things, "n" word. I don't like the way he talks about women. Is this the guy, poet, we ought to be inviting to the White House?" asked anchor Sean Hannity. Elsewhere on the network, Common was referred to as a "vile rapper." Common wisely stayed out of the fray, tweeting only "So apparently Sarah Palin and Fox News doesn't [sic] like me," and appeared as scheduled at the White House poetry evening.