Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011

Rupert Murdoch

The News of the World published its final edition on July 10, after it was revealed that the British tabloid's reporters and editors had been involved in hacking phone messages over several years — most notably, deleting voice mails meant for Milly Dowler, a missing teenager who was found dead in September 2002. Britons were still outraged, so one week later, News Corp. CEO and chairman Rupert Murdoch ran a full-page apology in Britain's weekend papers with the words We are sorry in large, bold text at the top. Since Murdoch's mea culpa, his son James has stepped down from the board of News Group Newspapers, while celebrities such as J.K. Rowling and Sienna Miller have testified in an ongoing public inquiry — announced by U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron in July — into the hacking.