Monday, Aug. 15, 2011

Philippa Morgan Walker and Jonny Walker

It doesn't get much more English than a cup of tea. And true to form, that's just what Philippa Morgan Walker, 25, and husband Jonny Walker, 31, decided to serve beleaguered bobbies on patrol in Camden. As rioters approached, the young couple were blocked from their flat for hours as police stabilized the situation. Eventually they were let in by a worn-out young officer who told them that some of his colleagues had been working for over 30 hours. "There was only one thing we could do," wrote Morgan Walker, who works for Glamour magazine's U.K. website. "PUT THE KETTLE ON!" Minutes later, the pair re-emerged with a Britta filter brimming with tea, milk and sugar. After serving up more than 20 cuppas, a police officer devised an improvisatory serving platter by flipping over her riot shield. Someone pulled out a camera, and an iconic image of English resilience was born.