Monday, Jul. 25, 2011

The Bizarre

Unadventurous eaters, click on. Many state fairs offer crazy concoctions that will leave your jaw dropped and your mouth watering in amazement. The most innovative among them combine two relatively normal food items into something cringe-worthy, yet delicious. Take, for instance, Kool-Aid pickles. No surprises here: just simple sour green dills dunked into the sugary red liquid, with the ensuing product adopting the traits of both its parents. Another merger of two unlikely products is the Krispy Kreme burger. Think of the greasiest cheeseburger you can imagine, toss the sesame seed bun in the trash and envelope that baby between two glazed donuts. Or flip the notion of dessert on its head with the hot beef sundae, found at the Indiana State Fair. It resembles that of the ice cream variety, but instead consists of a hunk of marinated beef slathered in gravy, and topped with mashed potatoes, cheese and a cherry — tomato, that is.