Wednesday, Jul. 06, 2011

Krusty the Clown, The Simpsons

Krusty the Clown is supposed to be the head counselor at Kamp Krusty (which appeared in the first episode of The Simpsons' fourth season, way back in 1992) but instead he ditches out of his responsibilities while Bart, Lisa and their fellow Springfield kids suffer through one of the worst summer-camp experiences imaginable. At Kamp Krusty they play on rusty swings, roast pine cones over a gasoline-soaked truck tire and work in a sweatshop to produce wallets for export. When the kids finally revolt — in a montage laden with Lord of the Flies and Apocalypse Now references — Krusty finally heeds their requests, apologizes for being a terrible camp counselor and made it up to them by taking them all to "the happiest place on Earth." Disneyland? Nope. Tijuana, Mexico.