Monday, Feb. 07, 2011

Audi, 'Release the Hounds'

Row after row of rich, smoking-jacket-clad prisoners: A commentary on the financial crisis? Nope, just the prelude of an ad touting a whole new era of luxury. Two sophisticated cads break out of their lushly appointed prison cells and sprint for the prison walls. The guards try their best to trip them up: they blast Kenny G (who makes a surprise cameo) and release the (Afghan) hounds. Their line of last defense? A prison guard, disguised as a chauffeur, opens the door of a Mercedes as a way of trapping the rich scoundrels. But one of the two goes for the Audi instead. Cue the title card: "Escape the confines of old luxury."

People might remember the ad, but they're probably going to gloss over the hard sell.

Grade: B