Friday, Feb. 04, 2011

The Terrible Towel

The iconic — and trademarked — Terrible Towel is a dishrag-sized yellow towel that has been waved vociferously by Steelers fans since the 1970s. It was propagated by Steelers broadcaster Myron Cope as part of a marketing campaign for a radio station. The only thing really terrible about it seems to be its confusing, forced attempt at alliteration. Pittsburgh fans will tell you that the sight of a whole stand of Yinzers circling these above their heads ought to inspire terror, but forgive your humble correspondent for not being impressed. Across the pond, where they play real football, most fans use ubiquitous club scarves in truly spectacular scenes of support. And, as any European would tell you, scarves are far more fetching than towels.

*Editor's note: Mr. Tharoor is an avowed soccer fan. We don't know what we were thinking giving him this assignment.