Thursday, Dec. 09, 2010

Party Down

This brilliantly observed, too-little-watched comedy was about waiting, in more ways than one. Waiting, as in carrying trays of hors d'oeuvres, as was the lot of the aspiring actors, writers and stage moms of the Party Down catering company, who spend their nights hustling drinks and snacks at the fetes of Hollywood's far more successful. And waiting, as in waiting for something better to happen to you as you do your shift and hope for your cell phone to ring. The comedy was both blisteringly funny — like few shows since Arrested Development — and essentially hopeful, and it ended its too-brief run with has-been actor Henry Pollard (Adam Scott) deciding to shed his cynicism and give his career one more shot. Party Down bet on its talent too, and TV was better for it. (Starz)