Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010

Editor of Newsweek

In June, 2009, Stephen Colbert guest-edited an issue of Newsweek. The idea of having a fictional right-leaning comedy character editorialize in the pages of the newsweekly was provocative, unusual and — OK, pretty funny. (At the time, though, Gawker said it "reeks of desperation." But Gawker says a lot of things.) Colbert used the opportunity to blast both the government and the media over the Iraq war. "I know what you're thinking: 'Isn't the Iraq War over?' That's what I thought, too," he wrote. "We stopped seeing much coverage of the Iraq War back in September when the economy tanked, and I just figured the insurgents were wiped out because they were heavily invested in Lehman Brothers."

We especially liked Colbert's "Letters to the Editor" page, in which he simply reprinted all the diatribes he claimed to have sent the magazine over the years. Come to think of it, isn't Newsweek currently hunting for a new editor? Hmm...