Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2006

The Wiggles and Greg Page

It was the break-up that hit pre-schools like a thunderbolt: No, not Barbie and Ken, Greg Page and the cultishly followed Australian kids' band he has led in his bright yellow jersey for 15 years. Page left the Wiggles due to an illness that prevents him from wiggling across the stage during performances of such sandbox hits as "Toot Toot, Chugga, Chugga," and "Yummy Yummy (Fruit Salad)." The other members of the Wiggles, which earned $40 million in 2005, are soldiering on with a new lead singer, Page's understudy Sam Moran. While the diapers set seems to be coping well with Page's departure, their mothers are taking longer to recover.