Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2010

Gaylord Focker Meets the Airlines

To be fair, he had a few really bad days. He was ridiculed for being a male nurse, forced to take a lie detector test, broke the bride-to-be's nose with a volleyball, flooded a basement, burned down the wedding altar and lost his future father-in-law's precious kitty. On top of all that, his name is Gaylord Focker. In 2000's Meet the Parents, when Focker (Ben Stiller) gets to the airport to fly home in disgrace, he is understandably enraged at the flight attendants' infuriating request that he wait (in an empty gate area) for his row to be called for boarding. Once on board, it gets worse. Faced with the prospect of checking his bag after the airline lost his luggage several days earlier, he says, "By the way, your airline, you suck at checking bags, O.K.? Because I already did that once and you lost it and then I had everything screwed up very badly for me." But he doesn't stop there. "The only way I would ever let go of my bag is if you came over here right now and tried to pry it from my dead, lifeless fingers, O.K.? If you can get it from my kung fu grip then you can come and have it. Otherwise, step off, bitch." Sadly, his stewardess does not curse him out, grab two beers and head down the escape slide.