Wednesday, Jan. 06, 2010

How Medigap Policies Can Help

Deductibles and co-pays are relatively high under traditional Medicare coverage — often a $1,000 deductible for a hospital stay and 20% co-pays for a doctor visit. These expenses are one reason that out-of-pocket health care costs in retirement are so high. So consider Medigap coverage, which is offered through private insurers and comes in 12 varieties, labeled Part A through L. You can compare these plans at Basic Medigap picks up the tab for co-pays and deductibles for Medicare-eligible services. But the plans vary, for example, by including or excluding certain services like at-home recovery or foreign travel emergencies. You can expect to pay about $300 a month for Medigap, which is fairly pricey if you are in good health but a bargain for any chronic sufferers or those on regular medication.

See more questions about Medicare:
Introduction: What About Health Care?
When — and How — to Enroll in Medicare
Medicare's Part A, B, D and More
When to Buy Long-Term-Care Insurance