Monday, May. 04, 2009

Open a Kiva Account

At you can open an account for as little as $25 and lend the money to a Third World business. It's a small price to feel really good about yourself, especially if the recession has hindered your ability to give in larger numbers. At, you'll see just how much good a few dollars can do for people who have next to nothing. On the site, you choose from hundreds of profiles exactly who is to receive your loan. Many of the recipients have borrowed this way before and have a track record of repayment. They typically repay within 12 months, at which time you can withdraw your money or start the process all over again. The borrowers tend to be small-time entrepreneurs in need of money for inventory and equipment that offers quick payback potential. Recent loan recipients include Gloria in Peru, a former street vendor who used her loan to buy inventory and start a small grocery store, and Sarah Nazziwah in Uganda, a farmer who borrowed so she could plant crops. Be warned: your Kiva loan does not pay interest — only the return of principal; and you may not take a tax deduction on the interest that you forego.

See the world's most influential people in the 2009 TIME 100.