Thursday, Mar. 12, 2009

Elisabeth Hasselbeck vs. The View

The feud: The View ladies are known for their proclivity to go at it, but it seems no one stands by her opinion more vehemently than the resident conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck. The well-publicized spats with former liberal foil Rosie O'Donnell often ended with Barbara Walters, the mother of the group, having to calm her down. More recently, Whoopi Goldberg has sided with the left-leaning Joy Behar to shut down Elisabeth's political rants.

Chance at reconciliation: Slim to none. While drama continues to flare and celebrity blogs speculate weekly on the odds of Hasselbeck's leaving the show, she'll likely stick around; there's just nothing like some heated midday verbiage.

She said/She said:
"Here's how it gets spun in the media: Rosie — big, fat, lesbian, loud Rosie — attacks innocent, pure, Christian Elisabeth. I'm not doing it!"
O'Donnell, criticizing Hasselbeck for not defending her in public

"You are an adult, and I am certainly not going to be the person to explain your thoughts. They're your thoughts! Defend your own insinuations! And I am not poor little Elisabeth."
May 23, 2007

See the top 10 Conan O'Brien moments.