Tuesday, Feb. 03, 2009

4. American Bankers Have Become Shy

Other than a brief Jamie Dimon sighting (he participated in a one-hour Thursday-morning discussion on "Crisis, Community and Leadership"), there were hardly any prominent American bankers or investment bankers to be seen in Davos. Holding down the fort were the Brits (Stephen Green of HSBC and Peter Sanders of Standard Chartered), the Spaniards (Ana Botin of Santander and Francisco Gonzales of Banco Bilbao) and the Swiss (Walter Kielholz of Credit Suisse and Credit Suisse veteran Josef Ackermann of Deutsche Bank). The big three of U.S. private equity — Steven Schwarzman of Blackstone, Henry Kravis of KKR and David Rubinstein of Carlyle — were all on hand but kept a lower profile than in past years.
