Thursday, Oct. 30, 2008

Wisdom from the Right

Our country is on the verge of electing the most inexperienced, left-wing politician ever to make a serious run for the presidency. Yet were it not for talk radio and the conservative blogosphere, the American people would have learned little to nothing about certain aspects of Barack Obama's life and political outlook. Old media — network news, most major newspapers and magazines — didn't even bother trying to maintain a pretense of objectivity. They seemed to exist solely to deflect and dismiss criticism of Obama and demonize those who dared to question (enter: Joe the Plumber). Who needs the DNC when you have NBC?

Among the Obama stories either not adequately covered or not covered at all: his relationship with Bill Ayers, an unapologetic domestic terrorist; his 20-year friendship with preacher Jeremiah Wright; his view that the Constitution reflects a "fundamental flaw" of America; and his stance as a state senator against a bill that would have provided medical care to infants born alive after an attempted abortion. (He referred to such babies as "previable" fetuses that were "temporarily alive.") More than ever, talk radio and its friends in the blogosphere are essential to the preservation of an informed democracy. No wonder some powerful figures on the left want to bring back the so-called Fairness Doctrine!

Ingraham is host of the nationally syndicated talk show The Laura Ingraham Show. Her most recent book is Power to the People