In the what were they thinking category...
- Richard Nixon's Plumbers
- India's Telecoms Scandal
- Dennis Kozlowski and the Tyco Roman Orgy
- Gaddafi's Nepotism
- Moshe Katsav and the Ministry Staffer
- Silvio Berlusconi and the Bunga Bunga Parties
- Kim Jong Il's Concubines
- Roger Vangheluwe's Abuse Scandal
- China's Food Safety Czar Accepts Bribes
- Albert Fall's Teapot Dome
Top 10 Abuses of Power
Dominique Strauss-Kahn — the chief of the International Monetary Fund and a likely candidate for the French presidency — was arrested on rape charges in New York. If convicted, he'll join an ignominious club of privileged leaders who stepped too far: TIME takes a look at abuses of power through the years.