Beauty Is Truthiness, Truthiness Beauty ...
... that is all ye know on earth, and if ye need to know anything else, Stephen Colbert, 42, will tell ye what to think. On Comedy Central's The Colbert Report (silent t, both words), he plays a vain, blustery political pundit, and neither politics nor punditry emerges unscathed. In the first episode, he coined the term truthiness to embody his belief that facts are far less important than what you want to be true. "You don't look up truthiness in a book," he declared. "You look it up in your gut."
Truthiness resonated beyond Colbert's satire in an era of phony memoirs and reality TV. And to people who feel the Administration chooses gut (and spin) over facts, his acerbic speech "praising" the President at the White House correspondents' dinner became pop legend. Citing Bush's cratering job-approval rating, the in-character Colbert argued, "Does that not also logically mean that 68% of Americans approve of the job he's not doing?" Whatever you're doing, or not doing, Mr. Colbert, keep it up.