Simply, I am in awe of Hillary Clinton. There is no more courageous, passionate and committed fighter for our nation's children.
In 1998 California took on Big Tobacco in a ballot initiative to fund early childhood programs. We were outspent and hope was fading fast. Then Hillary showed up, not afraid of the attacks, the money and the influence of the tobacco industry. Her wisdom and support helped us to a narrow victory that now provides $560 million a year for child care, preschool and children's health care.
Later, Hillary supported us when conservatives went after our plan to offer preschool to every child in California. She stayed strong, even when trying to rescue our sinking ship wasn't in her best political interests. Though we were defeated, the day after the vote, my phone rang, and it was Hillary with a simple message: We're not backing down. The stakes are too high. "What's our next move?" she asked.
Hillary, 60, has worked her whole life to improve the lives of our nation's children. She knows that through quality health care and a strong education system our children will be prepared to succeed in tomorrow's jobs.
President Hillary Clinton would end the war, fix our health-care system and get our economy back on track. And wouldn't it be nice for our nation's children to finally have a real voice in the White House?
Reiner is an actor, director and producer—and a noted political activist