What would be your signature issue as First Lady/Man?
I'll do whatever Hillary asks me to do around the world and here at
home, but I hope I'll also be able to continue my foundation's work on
HIV/AIDS, climate change, childhood obesity, and creating economic
opportunities for the poor in the U.S. and in developing countries.
Who is your First Lady role model? Hillary and Eleanor Roosevelt. They traveled the world making friends and showing people that America respected and cared about them, and they supported the President's progressive domestic agenda.
What don't we know about your spouse? She has the world's best laugh.
What do you like most about the campaign trail? Campaigning for Hillary, after all the years she campaigned for me, and sharing the reason's I'm convinced she is our best choice for President.
What do you like least? The early mornings, what else?
Would you expect to have a say in the President's policies? If asked, I'll give my advice, but I've been out of government for about seven years so Hillary knows more about most issues now than I do, and she'll also have a lot of other good people helping her.
What's the one TV show you and your spouse try not to miss? We both love Grey's Anatomy and did our best to watch it together whenever we could before the campaign began. In the new season, we'll have to TiVo it!
What's the one campaign food that you could go your whole life never eating again? Hamburger because of my heart surgery, but I'd still miss them now and then.