Charlie Sheen: Trapped in a Conspiracy Movie?

Charlie Sheen Smells a Conspiracy... MovieNefarious plots have dominated the star's film career since the beginning. Have they crept into his real life and leaked out on his twitter account? You decide.

Red Dawn, 1984
Decades ago, Sheen joined a cadre of future 1980s screen stars, including Patrick Swayze and C. Thomas Howell, to stop a communist plot to take over the U.S. It is unclear if either of Sheen's "goddesses" are old enough to remember the Cold War, but let's hope this picture doesn't serve as a historical touchstone for them. Also, in it Sheen plays a Wolverine — sort of like a tiger, but smaller.

In a March 2011 interview on NBC's Dateline, Sheen said, "The world is different now, and it was written for normal people, people that aren't special, people that don't have tiger blood and, you know, Adonis DNA."

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