Spies and Spooks: The (Mis)Adventures of the CIA

One of the biggest moles, however, turned out to be working for the CIA.
John Hallisey / FBI / AP

The Biggest Moles
One of the biggest moles, however, turned out to be working for the CIA. In February 1994, the FBI arrested Aldrich Ames, a CIA officer who had been selling data first to the Soviets and then to successor Russian intelligence agents since 1985. He is said to have given out information that led to the death of at least 10 agents. More post–Cold War spy arrests occurred, with a huge catch taking place in February 2001 with the arrest of FBI agent Robert Hanssen, who attended the same church as FBI Director Louis Freeh and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Hanssen too had worked for Moscow since 1985, if not a couple of years earlier.

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