The Movies' Best-Loved Costumes

Liza Minnelli as Sally Bowles in Cabaret
Alan Pappe / Time Life Pictures / Getty

Liza Minnelli as Sally Bowles in Cabaret (1972)
The stark drama of this bisexual ensemble — a bowler hat and vest (with no shirt) atop hot pants, garters, stockings and boots — was heightened by its blackness against Minnelli's ultra-white skin and siren-red lipstick. To achieve the authentic look of pre-Hitler Berlin's "divine decadence," director-choreographer Bob Fosse chose a German production designer and costumer. Charlotte Flemming had grown up in the Weimer Berlin of the movie's setting and spent her entire career in the German film industry. She never "went Hollywood." Minnelli, of course, was born there, the daughter of Judy Garland and director Vincente Minnelli.

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