Today's Headlines

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  • There's no "there" on the coffee videotapes released by the White House Sunday, says TIME's Jef McAllister (TIME Daily)

  • Hamas leader Sheikh Yassin goes home and gives Yasser Arafat a headache (TIME Daily)

  • After enduring months of Mir mishaps, NASA astronaut Michael Foale can't even return to Earth (TIME Daily)

  • A busy day for Clinton: plays Cassandra on global warming (TIME Daily) while readying a line item veto (Reuters)

  • An American neurologist is awarded the Nobel Prize for unlocking mad cow disease (TIME Daily)

  • Market pundits predict a stormy week for stocks (TIME Daily)

  • Princess Diana's biographer runs into trouble with Mohammed Al Fayed (TIME Daily).

  • And Yanks, Indians square off for keeps tonight (TIME Daily).