Did Someone Help Cunanan?

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MIAMI: The FBI is trying to determine if Andrew Cunanan had any help in evading authorities after he allegedly slayed fashion designer Gianni Versace. At the top of the FBI's suspected accomplice list: Torsten Reineck, the proprietor of a gay bath house in Las Vegas and owner of the houseboat where Cunanan was found dead with a self inflicted bullet wound to the head. TIME Miami bureau chief TammerlinDrummond reports the FBI is currently questioning him to determine if he knew the suspected serial killer. "There are very real questions as to whether Reineck gave Cunanan the keys to the houseboat, because there were no signs of forced entry - no shattered glass or busted doors." While the FBI has not accused Reineck of being an accomplice, it is sure of one thing: the suspected serial killer did phone an "acquaintance" to help secure bogus documents so he could flee the US. The FBI, which found out about the call from family members and friends during questioning, would not reveal who the acquaintance is, saying only that the person failed to contact authorities after speaking to Cunanan. During questioning, the FBI said the person maintained the suspected serial killer made no mention of the Versace slaying during the call but that he seemed "agitated and nervous" throughout the conversation. The agency added that the acquaintance "declined comment" when asked why he did not contact authorities after speaking to Cunanan.