Pol Pot Captured...Again

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PNOMH PENH, Cambodia: Yeah, right. A clandestine Khmer Rouge radio broadcast claimed today that Pol Pot was captured Thursday night by a group of former comrades now loyal to Cambodia's royalist premier. Nobody's actually seem Pol Pot in captivity, of course, except the various groups that have claimed to hold him. Having just admitted they were wrong when they claimed to have captured him, Royalist government officials now are reluctant to say what they know. Meanwhile, Second Prime Minister Hun Sen, the leader of the formerly communist Cambodian People's Party, coolly dismissed the news as another flimsy attempt by the rival royalist faction headed by First Prime Minister Prince Prince Norodom Ranariddh to get an upper hand in the struggle for Khmer Rouge loyalties. "The government should have divided the Khmer Rouge. Instead, the Khmer Rouge has divided the government." And everybody, it seems, is taking turns claiming to have captured the big cheese.