Report: If Castro Goes, Billions Will Pour In

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WASHINGTON: Cuba can expect billions of dollars in international aid once Fidel Castro finally leaves office and the Caribbean island becomes democratic, according to a new Clinton administration report. The 24-page survey entitled "Support for a Democratic Transition in Cuba" was required under last year's Helms-Burton law which threatens sanctions against foreign companies doing business in Cuba. The report, prepared by the Agency for International Development, says that Cuba's transition to democracy would cost up to $8 billion in the first six years, with the majority of the money coming from the U.S. Other possible sources of assistance are international financial institutions and multilateral organizations. The plan recommends U.S. help in building up the country's judicial system, legislature and repairing its dilapidated infrastructure. To get the message across, the report will be translated into Spanish and broadcast to Cubans over the U.S. government's Radio Marti. Fidel Castro, who turns 70 this summer, has ruled Cuba since 1959.