Ceasefire in Somalia

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MOGADISHU, Somalia: The principal warring Somalian factions finally have agreed to abide by a cease-fire ending a six year conflict that has claimed 350,000 lives. Through talks sponsored by Italy, which once counted Somalia among its colonies, rivals Hussein Aidid and Ali Mahdi Mohamed agreed to end their war for control of the capital. Hundreds have died in the fighting since the cease-fire was adopted, but ignored, last October. The two factions are setting up a commission, with six members appointed by each side, to re-open Mogadishu's port and establish joint police patrols of the beleagured city. The factions began to move toward peace after the death last August of Aidid's father, Gen. Mohamed Farrah Aidid. At Monday's peace meeting, Aidid and Mohamed shook hands and then embraced, in a gesture of good will that would have been unthinkable only a few months ago.