A Sparsely Attended Rally

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LEWISTOWN, Montana: Only eight people appeared Monday to rally in support of the fugitive Freeman that remain holed up on their Montana farm surrounded by federal agents. Freemen sympathizers predicted that hundreds would heed their call to show those in the "Justus Township" farm that they shared their anti-government sentiments, but more reporters than participants turned up at the Lewistown event. Organizer Edward LeStage said he was confident the numbers would grow during the week. "The word is going out," LeStage said. "We're here for the duration. We'll be staying until the FBI leaves Jordan." The Idaho group had chosen Lewistown at the request of federal officials who ordered them to stay away from "Justus Township," the Freeman's 960-acre wheat farm. The FBI today also rejected white separatist Randy Weaver's offer to mediate an end to the standoff, saying he was incendiary and could attract hordes of media and militia members. FBI agents surrounded the compound March 25, when two Freemen leaders were arrested. Since then, three others have been taken into custody. One member of the group, Richard E. Clark, surrendered to federal authorities on Saturday and will be arraigned Monday on charges of fraud, conspiracy and armed robbery.