Will Hillary Testify?

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WASHINGTON, D.C.: Billing documents from the Rose law firm show that Hillary Clinton, while at the firm, worked on a land option that she later told investigators had been someone else's project. In addition, the records detail twelve phone conversations that may have concerned the deal. Such revelations are raising questions in Congress and temperatures at the White House. "Thank God this is happening in January and not in October," said one White House official on Saturday, in a reference to the potential impact on the upcoming election. TIME's James Carney says "The Watkins travel memo may have been more embarrassing, but these records have legs. While Mrs. Clinton may not get hit with perjury, it could well be proved she worked more extensively on Madison than previously acknowledged." Carney says the Senate Whitewater Committee this week will question Richard Massey, the Rose attorney Hillary Clinton had identified as the lawyer who did most of the Madison work, and who Republicans say will contradict her account. Increasingly, there is speculation Mrs. Clinton will be called to testify before the committee. Carney says that may well be in the first lady's interest: "She's proven very effective in such situations, and there's always the risk for Whitewater chairman Al D'Amato that he will be seen as trying to embarrass the Clintons."