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The fragile peace in Sarajevo was tested again with accusations by the Bosnian government that non-Serbs are being forcibly detained while traveling through a Sarajevo suburb. Bosnian government minister Hasan Muratovic said that 16 non-Serbs have been detained in the past month while traveling through Ilidza, a Serb suburb west of the city. But although Muratovic called on NATO forces to make Sarajevo safe for all citizens, a NATO spokesman said that wasn't their job. "We are not a police force," said General Andrew Cumming, who added that such incidents must be sorted out by local police and civilian authorities. The complaint comes as many Serbs flee Ilidza, fearful that they will be mistreated after the central government takes control of a united Sarajevo. For related news, visit TIME World Wide's special page devoted to the U.S. mission in Bosnia with extended daily news, special audio reports from TIME correspondents abroad and other materials.