Is It Safe to Install Windows 2000?

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Sure you can watch Bill Gates introduce the latest version of the Windows operating system today. But should you bet the ranch on Windows 2000?

Probably not yet.

First of, Windows 2000 is really an update of the industrial-minded Windows NT, not the consumer-oriented Windows 95 or Windows 98. The 2000 update for Windows 98 working title "Millennium" is not being released today.

Second, how old is your PC? You'll want a speedy processor (at least 300 Mhz) plus at least 2 gigabytes of hard disk space and 128 megabytes of RAM. You can get by on less, but it won't be pretty. If you got the computer before last fall, check with the maker to see if there's a BIOS upgrade needed for W2K. And if you need one, pray that it's a simple software download, not a chip that needs to be replaced.