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O.J. Simpson attorney F. Lee Bailey spent most of today defending himself, after prosecutor Marcia Clark accused the legendary lawyer of lying to Judge Lance Ito in court. Contrasting Bailey's claim yesterday that he had spoken with defense witness Max Cordoba "marine to marine" with a television interview in which Cordoba said he has never spoken to Bailey, Clark said: "Mr. Bailey has been caught in a lie. In this case you don't get away with that. There's too many people watching." Bailey's sputtering objections fell flat. Ito then blocked Bailey, at least for now, from asking LAPD Detective Mark Fuhrman if he ever called Cordoba a "nigger." When a red-faced Bailey stood up to complain, Ito admonished him to "control yourself." Fuhrman later testified that he has not used the word "nigger" in reference to a black person during the past decade. The defense is trying to paint Fuhrman as a racist who is out to frame Simpson, who is black, for the murder of his white ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. At the moment, Bailey is not helping the cause.