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The arrest yesterday of Kevin Mitnick described as the world''s most notorious computer hacker raises troubling new questions about commercial interactions in cyberspace, says TIME technology writer Josh Quittner. Mitnick, 31, was able over the years to hack into various computer systems and get access to privileged information from big-name companies like Digital, Motorola and NEC. He also obtained a copy of credit card numbers of 20,000 members of Netcom, a San Jose-based Internet provider. "If Netcom can''t keep those numbers secure, how can L.L. Bean?" says Quittner. Most troubling is the fact Mitnick had managed recently to get access to high-powered software tools designed to prevent break-ins into the most sophisticated networks, and he may have distributed these to others, in effect turning security devices into burglar''s tools. While Internet security is known to be fairly weak, Mitnick''s exploits have deepened fears that even the best protective measures may be inadequate. Mitnick faces charges of computer fraud and illegal use of a telephone. He could be locked up for 20 years if convicted for the first crime;15 for the second. He will be arraigned tomorrow