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Secretary of State Warren Christopher today rejected North Korea's explanation for delaying the release of an American helicopter pilot and the remains of another who were shot down Saturday in North Korean airspace. Christopher said further delay could slow implementation of the two countries' $4 billion nuclear agreement, signed just two months ago. North Korean officials, according to Christopher, are saying the helicopter was downed in a remote area with poor transportation, making it impossible for a speedy return of Chief Warrant Officer Bobby Hall and the remains of Chief Warrant Officer David Hilemon. Christopher made much of a U.S. admission that the two flyers had strayed into North Korea's side of the Korean peninsula's demilitarized zone: "That is an unusual display of candor and openness by the United States and we hope it will be reciprocated by the North Koreans in a prompt response." A 45-minute meeting today between U.S. and North Korean officials -- Rep. Bill Richard