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President Clinton, in an exclusive interview this afternoon with TIME White House correspondent Michael Duffy, basked in recent foreign policy successes in Haiti and North Korea and credited a near turnaround in his image as diplomat-in-chief to a steep learning curve since a foreign policy nadir last fall. Clinton -- "in fine form -- lucid, funny, thoughtful," Duffy says -- spoke about how much he's learned about foreign policy, why he's become better at it, and why it's in some ways more satisfying. In domestic policy, the President said, "you're trying to be a catalyst, whereas in foreign policy, your actions are more self-contained." Clinton also denied there had been any hint of appeasement in deals he's cut with ex-Haitian military chief Lieut. General Raoul Cedras, and said the "overwhelming" strength of America in a world with one superpower has made it easier and more imperative to exercise military restraint.The full interview will be available online SUNDAY afternoon.