Is Monica Done?

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WASHINGTON: Switch off the camcorder. A little after 3 p.m. ET Monday, Monica Lewinsky finished her Mayflower grilling at the hands of House manager Ed Bryant of Tennessee, White House lawyers Cheryl Mills and Nicole Seligman and, in a chaperone capacity, one senator from each side of the aisle. Did she stick to her story, or hang Bill Clinton out to dry? Nobody's saying -- all concerned are under a gag order until depositions finish on Wednesday. But the Monica tapes will be available for private Senate viewing starting at 8 a.m. Tuesday morning -- if minds are ever going to change about this trial, they'll start changing then.

Special Report What went on behind those thick hotel walls? Best guesses: Bryant took Monica back over the record, looking to firm up phone-call sequences and maybe get a better explanation of how she could possibly file that false deposition in the Paula Jones case with absolutely no encouragement from any of the President's men. (He doubtless also reminded her that those two nice ladies waiting their turn in the corner were from the same White House that called her "a stalker" last year.) The White House team hadn't planned any new lines of questioning unless something big shook loose, and judging by the session's four hours of actual questioning -- the Senate had allotted eight -- not much did. The curious public will have to wait until the Senate's next open session, Thursday, to hear from the jurors, and, if the majority holds, not much longer than that before the tapes hit the airwaves. As for Monica's plans, she herself knows them best -- the Senate probably won't call her as a live witness unless she dropped a real bombshell. That likelihood being slim, it's probably on to Barbara Walters and a windfall of international TV-rights sales. But that job at Revlon is probably gone for good.