Tweets From a Washington Dinner (a.k.a. #nerdprom)

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Adam Rosenberg, New Media Manager, Center for Democracy & Technology (6:40 p.m.)
Colin Powell is talking with The Rock #nerdprom

Gottalaff (6:45 p.m.)
#nerdprom Since when did politicos have screaming teens in their entourages?

Howard Mortman, C-SPAN (6:55 p.m.)
in search of don draper from mad men. saw justice scalia instead. oh well. #nerdprom

David Carr (7 p.m.)
Saw kevon [sic] bacon at pinch point for #nerdfest parties. Peering into a hall of anomie/scrum he says, 'my that doesn"t look like fun.' Its not

Karl Frisch, Senior Fellow, Media Matters for America (7 p.m.)
Washington Times party at #nerdprom is freezing. Who knew evil could be this cold. #whcd #whca...

Howard Kurtz (7:10 p.m.)
Sometime in the last few yrs the WH dinner turned into spring prom week for Beltway nerds. And Hollywood decided it was a stop on the tour

David Carr (7:25 p.m.)
#nerdprom security alert: tiny nathalie [sic] portman getting smushed and adored by throng at same time.

Karen Tumulty (9:48 p.m.)
Start w a teleprompter joke. Good move.

Meghan McCain (10:16 p.m.)
Omfg, wanda sykes just made a joke about obamas nipples...

Jay Newton-Small (10:27 p.m.)
Wanda just called rush limbaugh the 20th hijacker who "maybe was too strung out on oxycotin he missed his flight. Too much?"

Ashton Kutcher (10:41 p.m.)
I'm trying to figure out why anyone would let me sit this close to the president.

Ashton Kutcher (10:58 p.m.)
Demi claims Obama gave her the"what's up" smile. Meanwhile all I got was the "who farted" squint.

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