House to Bill: Read All About It

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WASHINGTON: Impeachment point man Henry Hyde politely showed White House legal Don Quixotes David Kendall and Charles Ruff the door when they asked, among other things, that the Clinton team get a few days with the Starr report before it hits the the cyberstreets sometime tomorrow. But TIME Daily Washington correspondent Declan McCullagh says that House Democrats will have their chance to stand by their man -- when the full House votes on the resolution that will set those boxes free.

Special Report Not that they'll make much of a fuss. "Democrats won't fall on their swords for Clinton on this one, despite the mumblings today about fairness." The reasoning: There's just no compelling case they can make. "You can't argue that the White House should see it before Congress does," says McCullagh, "and as soon Congress sees it, it'll be leaked instantly to the media. This way, everyone gets it at the same time, instead of having the details dribble out all weekend." Don't pity the White House too much, though -- their modems are a lot faster than yours.