Tomorrow's News: Monday, August 31

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Monday Bill Clinton visits Boris Yeltsin, one guy who can make all that nasty Monica business seem like very small pirozhki, for a quick two-day meet-and-greet. The benefits are almost all one-way: Yeltsin is in very deep trouble, and theres nothing Clinton can do for him. But for Clinton, more airtime with Boris means less airtime for the special prosecutor.

For all of you who cant get enough of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, Monday sees the launch of the family-oriented PAX TV, the seventh (!) national network. PAX promises to be Free of explicit sex. Free of senseless violence. Free of foul language. Cynics might add Free of profits, but just in case Im wrong, remember this for future trivia games: PAX TVs first program is a sanitized Today show called Great Day America. It starts at noon EDT.