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As many as 30 more Haitians may have died in the capsizing of a boat packed with 200, reported Edward J. Barnes, TIME's correspondent in Haiti. This is the second major boating tragedy reported there since a liberalized U.S. immigration policy took effect June 16, and probablyjust one in a long line of similar unreported incidents, according to Barnes. To stem the tide, the U.S. announced a new policy to send as many as 10,000 refugees to Panama, rather than Guantanamo Bay which is closer to the U.S. The White House made the decision after Monday's showing -- the busiest day yet, with the U.S. Coast Guard intercepting 3,247 boat people in 70 boats. The U.S. also sent potential firepower: four amphibious Navy warships, with 2,000 Marines on board. The troops ostensibly will helpevacuate U.S. citizens, should that be needed. TIME Defense correspondent Mark Thompson adds the U.S. decision to send warships into the fray can also help the Coast Guard handle the refugee surge and underscore U.S. resolve. Indeed, the warships are sending a signal that the U.S. may be preparing for an invasion, but special envoy to Haiti, Bill Gray, denies it. parpar