Kofi Does Lunch

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So Leonardo DiCaprio is a U.N. election monitor with Minnie Driver as a Bosnian widow... Don't laugh -- Kofi Annan was taking meetings in Hollywood today, pitching ideas and trying to enlist the movie industry's support in improving America's understanding of the U.N. Besides seeking star power to back U.N. initiatives, Annan also wants to get producers interested in making a movie about U.N. workers in the world's trouble spots. Like the Dalai Lama, Annan has sensed that the battle for Washington may be won or lost in Tinseltown. "To get the kind of support it needs in the U.S., Annan knows he has to reach out to America beyond Washington," says TIME U.N. correspondent William Dowell. "He's launching an offensive to try and correct some of the bizarre perceptions of the United Nations that pervade America at present." Think "Titanic" with black helicopters.