Show Me the Deal

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BAGHDAD: Its already being called the Baghdad Accord, but theres no word yet on whether the deal inked Monday by Kofi Annan and Tariq Aziz will bring closure to the standoff over weapons inspectors. Has the secretary general averted war? I hope so. I think I have, Annan told CNN. The devil is in the details, of course, and we wont see those until Tuesdays Security Council meeting. But all signs point to a deal that brings Iraq in line with U.N. resolutions. It is in conformity in terms of spirit and in terms of intent, said Annan.

Crisis in IraqNaturally, the U.S. remains skeptical. National Security Advisor Sandy Berger had just three words: Wait and see. But Annan, a wily diplomat who was Washingtons pick for the top job, is unlikely to disappoint. He knows a deal that ties UNSCOMs hands is not worth coming back to New York with. His spokesman Fred Eckhard indicated that one of the major hurdles in previous Iraqi offers -- time limits on weapons inspections -- was not present in this deal. So how did Annan do it? The so-called white glove solution, diplomats accompanying inspectors, is one possibility, but thats just window dressing. The secretary general hinted at the real deal when he said the document mentions sanctions -- and looks down the road toward lifting them. Thats one thing, at least, that Washington wont like the look of. Those troops in the Gulf aren't likely to come home any time soon.